Valence studios

The combining power of an element

Someone who has all your powers combined is a character who has the complete powers of an entire group of people and can use them all simultaneously.

We are a full service Creative Design Studio

Why we are different

While many agencies specialize, we believe there is a more streamlined process when the left-hand knows what the right hand is doing. That’s why we offer a full array of capabilities within our approach.

Move fast, plan and have a strong initiative — that’s how we replace other agencies — and how you can build your brand.

Identify Yourself

The Element of Branding

Branding is the process of creating a strong, positive perception of a company, its products or services in the customer’s mind by combining such elements as logo, design, mission statement, and a consistent theme throughout all marketing communications.

The foundation of brand identity and logo design

The brand is the foundation of a company and the logo is the visual shortcut to the trademark of the brand. A logo identity system and a strong branding system are both crucial when marketing and promoting a consistent image and voice, but a brand speaks for itself.

Build it and they will come

Building the Elements

Line, color, shape, form, value, space, and texture are the seven core elements of art and they often overlap and inform one another. Whether talking about product design, websites, applications, or design/production, these components of design all need to be taken into consideration.

What We Do

Efficient and Effective

These are our elements of design when combined provide a fully structured path to your project goals.

Brand Design & Strategy

Identify your target clients. Develop your messaging strategy. Develop your name, logo, and tagline. Develop your content marketing strategy.

Social Media Management

Developing a strategy, creating and distributing content for profiles, monitoring online conversations, collaborating with influencers, and monitoring.

Market Audience Analytics

Identifying the audience and adapting a speech to their interests, level of understanding, attitudes, and beliefs. Then building a marketing plan.

Search Engine Optimization

(SEO) is the art and science of getting pages to rank higher in search engines. Ranking higher in search engines can lead to an increase in traffic to a website.

Business Strategy

Identify strengths and opportunities that could help you achieve your goal. Allocate resources in order to accomplish key objectives.

Print Media

Premium Business Cards, Flyers, Brochures, Presentation Folders, Menus, Letterhead, Canvas, Banners, Signs, Metal, Plastic, Displays, Booklets, Stickers.

Video Production

Professional Short film, full-length movie, marketing video, television commercial, music video, or other types of social media content.


Capture images for the purpose of providing a detailed account of actual events, aim to capture life moments with their families and friends.

UI/UX Design and Research

User Interface & Interactive Design, Prototypes, Information Architect, User Research, Visual Design, Colors, Graphics, Layouts, Typography.

Website Design and Development

Web graphic design, user interface, authoring, code, software, user experience design, & SEO across multiple desktop & mobile devices.

Branded Email Marketing

Create targeted and personalized brand messages. This can help you to build meaningful relationships with your customers.

Application Development

Creating applications (App) or developing games that run on many different desktops, Smart TV, and mobile platforms: Android and iOS.

Professional Brand Buiding

Implement track and adjust

While many agencies specialize, we believe there is a more streamlined process when the left-hand knows what the right hand is doing. That’s why we offer a full array of capabilities within our approach.

Move fast, plan and have a strong initiative — that’s how we replace other agencies — and how you can build your brand.

We’ll Show You How It’s Done

Online advertising is necessary for small and large businesses alike, but small business advertising is decidedly more difficult. Your staff is smaller, and your marketing budgets are smaller too. How do you compete with bigger businesses under the circumstances?

The good news is, with the right strategies in place, you can use online advertising to drive leads, sales, and ROI, no matter what size you are. In this guide, we’ll share some strategies and tips to help you raise brand awareness and grow your business

Let’s Start Something new
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